Garja Maharashtra was a very prestigious show for Dashami, The show was about 26 prominent personalities from Maharashtra who contributed to building the nation & lead the social reforms. Every episode featured a distinguished person from the political, social and cultural space of Maharashtra who has contributed not just in the development of Maharashtra but significantly towards the nation building making the country more and more culturally, socially and politically diversified.
Producer – Nitin Vaidya and Ninad Vaidya
Production House – Dashami Creations
Creative Head – Aparna Padgaonkar
Creative Director – Akshay Patil, Mohit Kunte
Director – Bhagyashree Jadhav, Pratima Joshi, Umesh Namjoshi
Writing – Samir Joshi, Shardul Saraf, Digpal Lanjekar, Aparna Padgaonkar
Camera –
Music – Devendra Bhome
Singer – Divya Kumar
Editing – Amey Godkar
Production Head – Dada Godkar
Cast –
Resham Prashant
Abhishek Deshmukh
Dr. Girish Oak
Meghna Vaidya
Padmanabh Bind
Ketaki Saraf
Namrata Kadam
Rama Joshi
Vijay Mishra
Siddhirupa Karmarkar
Dashami is the entertainment production house which makes Films, Television shows & Serials, Advertisements, Digital web series etc. Dashami has a pool of highly creative, trained and motivated professionals and produced various Award winning movies and TV
Shows in Marathi & Hindi.